After speaking with hundreds of agents and observing dozens of agents in the field, both top producers and sales people who can’t seem to make it happen, I have discovered the secret to selling merchant services. It is really very simple… Learn how to sell! I know that sounds simplistic and harsh. But the biggest […]
After speaking with hundreds of agents and observing dozens of agents in the field, both top producers and sales people who can’t seem to make it happen, I have discovered the secret to selling merchant services. It is really very simple… Learn how to sell! I know that sounds simplistic and harsh. But the biggest difference between top producers in this industry and those who can’t make more than a couple sales per month is really their sales ability. Below are a couple quick tips on how you can become a master sales professional in the merchant services industry
1. Find Good Prospects and Ignore Bad Ones. Don’t waste your time with prospects who are not interested. Find out how many bad prospects you have to sort through to find a good one in your market. Then decide to just slog through all the bad prospects to find the good ones. In my market I have to go through about ten to twelve business owners before I find one that is really interested in what I have to offer. So if I walk into thirty businesses, odds are I will get two or three prospects. In your market you might have to walk into twenty, thirty, or even fifty businesses to find a good prospect. But remember you do not need to waste any time at all on a bad prospect; just move on and invest your time with business owners who show an interest.
2. When you do find a good prospect, get the processing statement no matter how many times you must follow up. Treat each prospect like gold and keep going!!! Watch the video above for more on this topic.
3. Talk half as much as your prospects. Learn to listen and learn the art of getting your prospect to talk. These two skills will seriously increase your closing ratio.
4. Never be desperate, in a hurry, or pushy. Decide that you will get this sale at some point; simply keep moving forward day after day, week after week. Never lose your cool; always be professional. Once you show a prospect that you are desperate for a sale, you lose all your power of influence. The client will begin to question your character. Many a sale is lost because of this weakness.
5. Do whatever it takes to get the sale. Be honest and realistic, of course, but you also must be creative. Think outside the box and find a way to make a deal work. If you are in a meeting and realize your offer no longer makes sense for the prospect, say, “Bob, now that I am going over this with you, I am not really happy with our offer. I think I can come up with something that would make more sense for your business. Would you mind if I take another look at this, speak to the processing company, and come back next week?” Then…find a way to get the deal!!!!
6. Be Organized. That one is self explanatory. However, to say you need to be organized is a whole different matter than to actually become organized. Are you organized? Do you follow up on purpose at the right times? Do you track your sales numbers?
7. Read good books and value sales training. If you are reading this blog, I assume you already know our team offers the best online content for agents selling merchant services. And if you are an active agent, you know how much more we offer after you join our team. If you are not on our team, why not? How valuable is training; how valuable would it be to have the largest online training resource in your back pocket? How valuable would it be to call or send me an email to ask how to grow your business or make a deal work? If you are interested in joining our team, contact me at
I am going to provide you with 3 simple tips on how to sell credit card processing as a local, merchant services agent. The three sales techniques /...
James Shepherd
Nov 27, 2012
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