Podcast – Pulling Back the Curtain on Surcharging, Cash discounting
Learn how one ISO minimizes churn with merchant options for passing along costs to customers Phil Ricci, Vice President of Sales Operations at...
What distinguishes cash discounting from surcharging programs? Compliance and Margins With Visa making clear its disdain for cash discounting programs, more ISO’s and MLS’s are looking into surcharging programs. In this week’s featured interview Jonathan Razi, Founder of CardX, describes markets and verticals where surcharging works. “The winners in this space will be those that […]
Learn how one ISO minimizes churn with merchant options for passing along costs to customers Phil Ricci, Vice President of Sales Operations at...
Nick Melnyk, Director of Business Development at Mynt, explains how Mynt POS systems can be optimized for most verticals. Best of all, Mynt’s...
Alex Bellini, Co-Founder of Fuze Financial, describes how ISOs can drive more value to their merchants with proven text-based customer review and...