How to Compete with Square (Technology & Cash Discounting)– #102
Merchant Sales Podcast · Episode #102 Fully Edited In this episode, Ryan Malloy from North American Bancard shares tips on competing with Square. We...
Merchant Sales Podcast · Episode #102 Fully Edited In this episode, Ryan Malloy from North American Bancard shares tips on competing with Square. We...
Merchant Sales Podcast · Building Partnerships that Drive Growth; Cash Discounting to Larger Merchants Trust is a Foundation to Building Sales...
Discover why Dustin Magaziner, Managing Partner at PayBright, believes truly free terminal placements are the future of merchant sales. Plus James...
Learn how Josh Carper, Business Development Chief at Gorilla Technologies, made the transition from just selling credit card accounts to selling...
Gain insights on what to do and not do when taking business to the next level. “It’s important not to cannibalize what you’re currently doing,”...
Learn how Swipe4Free has overcome the challenges of recruiting and training new agents, and built a successful team of cash discounting sales reps....
The key to success in this industry is being able to touch as many merchants as possible, which requires a phone sales team, explains George...
The COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting impacts, says Chris Kronenthal, President & CTO of FreedomPay, who explains how “touchless commerce”...
This week Austin Mac Nab, Managing Partner at VizyPay, explains that company’s unique approach to cash discounting and how it resonates with...
It’s time to start thinking strategically about our shifting marketplace and how to adjust business models for future growth. James and Patti offer...