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What is Payment Processing (The Terms) - Monetizing Payments for SAAS

Learn essential payment processing terms for SAAS and ISVs. Understand cardholders, merchants, ISVs, and processors to monetize payments effectively.

Introduction to Payment Processing

Before diving into the complexities of payment integration and monetization strategies, it's crucial to understand the foundational terminology of payment processing. If you're a SAAS or ISV company looking to monetize payments, this knowledge will empower you to navigate the process confidently. In this post, we’ll break down key terms in the payment processing world, making it easier for you to grasp how monetization works and why it's so profitable.


Key Terminology in Payment Processing

To successfully monetize payments, it’s essential to understand the roles of the key players involved in a transaction:

  • Cardholder: The customer who makes the payment. In various business contexts, this could be anyone from a self-storage renter to someone getting a haircut.
  • Merchant: The business accepting the payment. For example, the self-storage property owner or the salon owner.
  • Payment Processor: The company that moves the money around, provides APIs for integration, and ensures that payments reach the correct merchant. Think of companies like Stripe, which facilitate these transactions.
  • ISV (Independent Software Vendor): This refers to software companies like CC Storage, which create software that enables merchants to accept payments from cardholders.


Simplifying the Process

These terms might seem overwhelming at first, but they are the building blocks of payment processing. Understanding them is crucial for any software company looking to integrate and monetize payment processing effectively. Whether you’re a developer or a CEO, having this terminology at your fingertips will help you make informed decisions as you move forward with payment integration.


Conclusion and Next Steps

Now that you're familiar with the basic terms, you're ready to explore the actual flow of a payment transaction and discover how your software company can capitalize on it. In the next video, James Shepherd will break down the transaction process and explain how to generate revenue from each payment processed through your system.

To continue learning about monetizing payments, check out the full YouTube playlist here.

With this foundational knowledge, you’re well on your way to understanding how payment processing can become a significant revenue stream for your software company. Stay tuned for more insights in the next post.

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