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Four Steps to Hire and Manage an Assistant

Although I try to make all my podcast or blog post content useful for everybody, often I only know my content concerns topics which have been...


3 Things Sales Reps MUST Focus on to Succeed

Today I want to provide one of the most valuable sales tips in terms of your earning potential as a sales professional. This addresses an area of...


My New Show

Making effective decisions is a vital part of business, sales, and every other area of life. Often, we all tend to make what I call “incomplete...


My Secret Self-Awareness Weapon

Self-awareness is vital to success and accomplishment. Until you have self-awareness, you can’t improve yourself at all. We all know people who...


2 Reasons Sales People Don’t Make Money

I am very surprised and disappointed when I learn that many sales people are not making much money! If sales people were ranked based on...


How to Negotiate Like a Pro in Sales

Often the terms “sales” and “negotiation” are used interchangeably. However, these are two very different actions. At the beginning of the sales...


How to Sell Cash Discounting

Please read the article and/or watch the video posted yesterday which answers the question, “What is Cash Discounting?” After understanding what it...


What is Cash Discounting?

I’m sure everyone in the merchant services industry has heard of cash discounting. But we need to answer the question, “What IS Cash Discounting?”...


3 Reasons Most Sales Managers Fail

Why do most sales managers fail? By “fail” I mean that rather than extracting the full potential of his/her team, the manager actually hurts the...

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