The Plain Truth for Sales Professionals. Be Willing to Be Uncomfortable to Gain Success.
Do you know what one specific, all-important task sales people do? I’m going to help those of you who haven’t realized this yet: SALES PEOPLE MAKE...
Do you know what one specific, all-important task sales people do? I’m going to help those of you who haven’t realized this yet: SALES PEOPLE MAKE...
Taking just this ONE tip will make your follow-up productive. Stop spinning your wheels and wasting time! Don’t keep visiting the same prospects who...
My prediction that cash discounting would be big this year has come true. So, my prediction was right, but I’m not happy about it! I don’t think...
Remember that day you were pumped about walking into businesses? But, oh no! The prospect already had a touch screen point of sale system on the...
A frequent question asked of me is “As a merchant services sales rep or an ISO, should I go directly to the processor?” In this episode I’ll answer...
If someone is successful, often the reason is attributed to his/her ability to “think outside the box.” This adage seems to me to be greatly...
Welcome to the final episode- for now- in my series on selling to specific business types. Learn how to gain entry to and unlock the potential of...
This is the sixth episode in my mini-series on selling specific business types. How to sell merchant services to retail specialty shops covers a...
In this episode I offer help on timing your interaction, gathering the right data, and creating a successful campaign to sell merchant services to...
Are you ready for some SuperSaver processing tips for auto repair shops? This is the fourth episode in my mini-series on selling specific business...