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Two Extremes of Successful Selling

Most sales people don’t understand that making sales requires two extreme talents. Stay off the middle road; that’s where failure lurks. The more...


The Cash Discounting Trap

Some processors are making cash discounting complicated and costly for merchants. The method they use to pay interchange for cash discounting...


The Art of the One Call Close

The one skill which will make you more money than anything else in the world is the one call sales close. Think of it as traveling a highway. When...


I Need Your Feedback

This episode is to ask a huge favor from you. I need your feedback! Usually I offer my content without asking anything in return and am happy to do...


Two Keys to Cutting Your Sales Cycle in Half

Shorten the sales cycle by being prepared and knowing your value proposition. These two keys can help cut your sales cycle all the way down to a one...


The Lie That’s Killing Your Commission

Most sales people and ISO’S are convinced that prospects care about the details of their current statement. This misconception creates several...


Get Past the Gatekeeper Every Time

Several months ago I had one of my favorite sales experiences. While on a consulting gig at a processing company, I asked for a list of prospects...


How to Sell Tablet POS

I’m sorry to say failure of expectations for tablet point of sales systems is one of my predictions which came true. A while back most people in the...

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