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Should a Merchant Accept Bitcoin?

Find some guidelines here as to whether a merchant should accept bitcoin. There is no clear “yes” or “no” answer. But sales people should know how...


Why Is Bitcoin Such a Mess?

In the episode yesterday I discussed some bitcoin history and blockchain technology. In the last six months the amount of volatility in bitcoin has...


Where Did Bitcoin Come From?

Have you heard a lot of buzz about bitcoin? In December 2017 I was advised to sell my whole business and begin trading bitcoin since it was much...


No Traffic Jams on the Extra Mile

Today I want to talk to you about going the extra mile. “Going the extra mile” – what does that mean? I don’t think most business people know what...


The Secret to Success in Two Words

In my opinion there are two words which embody the secret to success. They are “patience” and “focus.” To be successful, there needs to be almost...


Don’t Let Being Broke Stop You

Welcome to our mini-series dealing with building a successful business from scratch. We’ve talked about “The 2 Phases of Success.” We’ve also talked...

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