Visa Declares War on Cash Discounting Service Fees
How to Sell Merchant Services in 6 Steps If I could write an eBook knowing what I know today and then go back in time and deliver it to myself 10...
How to Sell Merchant Services in 6 Steps If I could write an eBook knowing what I know today and then go back in time and deliver it to myself 10...
Latest update on the Visa / Mastercard merchant settlement and what it might mean for your business going forward. The Insiders’ report hones in on...
I am a fan of Cash Discounting when done right, but these signs that the ISOs and Processors keep coming up with don’t make any sense to me. Allow me...
Recently Wall Street Journal published a report saying Target, Amazon, Home Depot, and many other large retailers want the ability to reject certain...
There are three ever-present barriers to success, no matter what you are trying to accomplish. These are thorns to everyone! Other people Yourself...
There is a misperception on the part of processors, managers, and even some sales people who haven’t been in the field. Some believe cash...
Every day someone asks whether to use phone calls or face-to-face when selling merchant services. Although I have very specific opinions about this,...
Many of you may already be aware of this big development in the cash discounting world. For months I’ve been warning reps not to do cash discounting...
I can point to two specific moments in my life when I realized I could sell. My first job was at “The Ark” pet store, and I remember it like it was...
Helping an individual sales rep or sales team increase merchant services submissions is not a mystery to me. I have helped hundreds of merchant...