This last week we had our weekly CCSalesPro Show where we talked about the results of our recent survey. 97% of agents we surveyed said they felt that it was a good idea to offer Payroll Services to their current merchant services clients! I was shocked! This was encouraging for me to realize that we […]
This last week we had our weekly CCSalesPro Show where we talked about the results of our recent survey. 97% of agents we surveyed said they felt that it was a good idea to offer Payroll Services to their current merchant services clients! I was shocked! This was encouraging for me to realize that we are on the right track with this new service offering.
31 out of 32 answered “YES” to the question, “Is selling Payroll Services to your existing clients a good idea.”
The “No” came from a new agent that didn’t believe he was ready to start offering other services.
Reasons it is a good idea from our agents
-It adds value to my clients.
-It reinforces our commitment to help lower costs.
-The more ways I am tied to the merchant the less likely they cancel.
-People get slammed on merchant services, I need another opening pitch
-Makes me seem more like a consultant to offer more services.
-Increased Residuals
31 out of 32 said that marketing materials would help them.
-I will be providing an order form for you get a packet of 50 tri-fold brochures to pass out in January.
14 Agents said they don’t have time to sell this service now but plan to in 2013.
23 Agents said they needed more training.
20 Agents said they needed marketing materials in order to get started.
Tips on how we can improve.
-I need specifics on the pricing so I can explain to the merchant.
-Email marketing template so we can send our clients an email.
So, here is what we are doing. We are going to create some
new marketing materials and send them out to all of our agents on the payroll service team so that you can get ready for a big payroll services campaign in January. We are also going to post a
new mini-series of videos on how to sell payroll services to your clients on our youtube channel.
If you would like to listen to the entire show including my interview with Gerod from PayPros and this week’s tip from the field by Jonathan Ruiz,
CLICK HERE to subscribe to our iTunes podcast or simply scroll to the top of this page and click “Listen”
Many sales people leave insurance, real estate, or automotive sales for merchant services. Why make that change? Choosing a merchant services career...