I have a big task sitting in my inbox, and it has been there for over a week. This is pretty unusual for me. So this Monday when I was about to place it in the “Tuesday” folder again, I thought to myself, “Why haven’t I taken action on this?” It really isn’t that difficult of a task or even something I don’t want to do. The reason I haven’t taken action is that I really don’t know for sure if I am committed to this particular project. I have already made the deal and, in practice, have already made the decision to move forward with this particular task. But in my heart I don’t have a strong conviction this is the right thing to do.
A pastor who I know made this statement during one of his podcasts which really stuck with me, “Great actions follow great convictions.” The reason people take great action is that they have a strong conviction or belief the action is the right thing to do. You can get by on character and discipline to do the daily tasks which need to get done. However, for the big actions in your life, you must have a strong conviction you are doing the right thing. Many of you are wondering why you can’t make sales. You ask yourself, “Why don’t I get out and prospect more?” You want to get out in the field; you want to make more money; you want to accomplish more; so what are you lacking? You are probably lacking a strong conviction. Truth be told, you are still waiting for a “better” job or business opportunity to come along. Truth is, you still have a stack of resumes on your shelf and are looking for a way out of your current industry or position. If that describes you and if you do not have a strong conviction you are doing the right thing, the lack of conviction is keeping you from success. Here are a few tips to help you take big action today.
#1. Take a moment to think through your options. Then make a solid, concrete decision. Follow this up by writing down your decision and putting it in a place where you will see it every day.
#2. Share your big decision with as many people as you can. Post it on your Facebook wall and update your LinkedIn profile to say, “Today I really decided this business is the one I should be in. I am excited about this new venture, and I need all my friends and connections to hold me accountable to this decision. I know it will get difficult at times but, this is the right business for me. I am in it for the long haul.” Doing this will increase your conviction to succeed.
#3. Dream big! Imagine what your business will look like in six months, one year, five years, and ten years. Then get excited about it! Share your dreams with your spouse or friends and sell them on the idea.
#4. Break down your dream into action steps and milestones that start today! Here are a few milestones I think are great ones to have in the merchant services industry. Try to achieve these in order:
Walk into 100 businesses
Talk to 100 business owners
Activate 30 accounts
Collect 100 email addresses
Activate 50 accounts
Activate 100 accounts
Delegate the Installation Process
Receive your first $3,000 residual check
These are some great milestones for your business. If you achieve all of these, you will be committed to this business! Remember, if you are not taking action, you probably do not have a strong conviction about the action. Conviction is more than a fluffy, “I believe I can do it.” Conviction is you saying, “I am going to do it!” or “I know this is the right thing to do!” These thoughts will lead to action every time!
I hope these short tips help you today!
James Shepherd james@ccsalespro.com
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Getting Past the Gatekeeper in Merchant Services