Close At Least Three Times (Without Making Merchants Angry)
Master this concept and close more deals. Use buffer statements so you can close multiple times without making merchants angry. Today is the last episode in the mini-series on advanced sales techniques. Learn how to close three or more times without making merchants angry. This one concept […]
Master this concept and close more deals. Use buffer statements so you can close multiple times without making merchants angry.
Today is the last episode in the mini-series on advanced sales techniques. Learn how to close three or more times without making merchants angry. This one concept distinguishes that 1% of sales professionals who make double or triple the average revenue.
My Closing Philosophy
I believe a salesperson should always close at least three times on every single appointment. Here are two prerequisites to that:
1. The merchant has all the needed information [not what the merchant thinks is needed, but what you know is necessary] to make a decision. 2. YOU believe the decision the merchant should make is to go with your services. Have the integrity and transparency to admit it if you know deep down this isn’t the best decision for the merchant.
As long as both those prerequisites are in place, you should always close at least three times.
Salespeople often say, “James, even closing once, they just about kick me out of the store. How could I try to close again after they’ve said ‘no’?”
Learning to close multiple times without making merchants angry is the definition of top salespeople, in my opinion. I’m referring to the top 1% who have a seven-figure income, making $30,000 to $50,000 per MONTH!
I know an independent agent who closed 600 merchant accounts in one year. He had a team which helped with telemarketing, etc. But he closed all those accounts himself. The same agent recently told me he closed at least 300 accounts last year while only working three days per week.
Closing multiple times is the way the top sellers get those numbers. These salespeople want to get the deal. They don’t seem to be closing hard because even the ones they don’t sell are still happy.
Use Buffer Statements
Using buffer statements is the key to closing at least three times without making merchants angry.
Using the permission close, your closing could be, “With your permission, I’d like to go ahead and get the paperwork started and get the ball rolling to move forward.” Then be quiet; see if you get permission.
However, inserting buffer statements before that close is much more powerful and less offensive:
“Susan, I want to thank you so much for your time investment today. I know you have a lot to do. I really appreciate your time. I’m very confident in everything we’ve talked about that this is going to be a great value for you. I’m confident we can make this work and give you the value you’re looking for. With all that in mind and with your permission, I’d love to go ahead and take a few notes on the paperwork so we can get the ball rolling.”
Notice the buffer statements used in that close. If you failed to thank the merchant for his/her time, you are losing many sales! Some of you go through your entire presentation and even the close without thanking the merchant!!! I can’t believe that. Thanking the merchant generates great positive momentum.
If I have a prescheduled appointment, thanking the merchant is usually the first thing I do.
“Thanks so much for agreeing to meet with me. I’m a local business owner just like you and am busy just like you. I know how hard it is to carve out even 15 minutes to talk to someone. I really appreciate that. I want you to know I’m definitely using the time wisely today, so let’s jump in.”
As you move toward close, thank merchants again. They’ve actually given you their time. Leverage that positive momentum.
Sales Psychology
Here is some deep sales psychology that may help you. Saying “no” takes a little of the energy of the day out of a person. Saying “no” is hard – harder for some people than others. I know some people who can’t say “no” to anyone. But others can say “no” more easily.
Business owners are also like that. Saying “no” is much harder if you really like the person. The owner realizes that saying “no” will damage or lessen the connection established with that person.
Saying “no” to someone you don’t like is not as difficult. Become a person merchants like; they’ll have a much harder time saying “no” to you.
After your first close, the prospect may say, “I need to think about it.” That’s the time to use a buffer statement,
“I certainly understand where you’re coming from. Let me just say I would never want you to make a decision with which you’re uncomfortable. Let me just throw one other thing out real quick.”
That usually encourages merchants to express the real reason for delay. They might say, “I need to check with my business partner,” etc.
Another Close
Use the buffer statements to make merchants think you’re done. Then remember something else. (The proper tone of voice for this is vital.)
“That’s a really valid reason. I totally get where you’re coming from with that. I believe you’re wise to think along those lines. I definitely want to follow up with you. How about we set a time on Thursday at 4:00 o’clock? [Remember something else.] You know what, though – one thing I just thought of. If I was able to do _____, would that make you feel a bit more comfortable about moving forward? Just a thought?”
Practice these concepts in the field. Take time to be accustomed to them and get good at using them.
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James Shepherd
Nov 30, 2016
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