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James Shepherd

Stories by James


Creating Momentum

As you begin to build your Credit Card Processing business you will be inundated with tasks that do not create momentum. These include installations,...


How to Build Your Merchant Services Team

Build a merchant services business through recruiting and building a team of local sub-agents. This post tells you how to do it right with 4 simple...


How to Sell Merchant Cash Advances – Part II

Today, we will be cover Part II of “How to Sell Merchant Cash Advances.” Now, if you haven’t read, watched, or listened to Part I, CLICK HERE. Part...


How to Sell Merchant Cash Advances – Part I

For the next three days, I will be presenting an exciting series on how to sell merchant cash advances. Today, I want to give you an introduction on...


The Good, The Bad and The Amazing

I had a crazy week! Last week, I spoke with about 75 of our sales people on the phone, and then drove out to Chicago to meet with the CEO and CFO of...

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