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James Shepherd

Stories by James


How One Good Prospect Can Slow You Down

I have seen one agent after the other get slowed down by one good prospect. They get out in the field and start prospecting for a week, their...


How Do I Make Myself Get Out in the Field?

I think everyone reading this article has enough confidence in their own sales ability to believe that if they really got out in the field for...


Silence is the Silent Seller

Have you ever walked into a store and before saying anything the owner walked out and said, “I don’t want to buy from you!” …Probably not. Great...


A Boring Foundation for Creative Success

This article came about from a conversation with Doug Funk. Doug is a member of our team who runs our marketing platform and works with our sales...


How to Get the Processing Statement

While the skill to sell”on the spot” is very important, the more important skill by far is the ability to get statements from the merchant. Even if...


Closing a Merchant Account on the First Visit

I have probably sold somewhere around 300 small individual merchant locations in my career and I would say about 30 to 40 of those came on the first...


Getting Out in the Field

I think everyone reading this article has enough confidence in their own sales ability to believe they would generate new accounts and increase...

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