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James Shepherd

Stories by James


3 Surprising Tips About Personal Discipline

This blog is primarily for merchant services sales reps, but every so often I like to share a thought that is more philosophical that has helped me....


How to Nail Your Opening Pitch

Opening pitch should be no longer than fifteen to twenty seconds. Write out your opening. Then read the opening and time it with a stop watch on your...


The Four Ingredients of a Good Presentation

Let’s talk about the four things that are contained in a good sales presentation. 1. There are prepared lines which go in sequence and show your...


To Make a Sale You MUST Learn to Listen

Listening is something that I have personally found in the last few months I don’t know how to do effectively. I’m trying to learn. I also am...


What Does Merchant Services Mean?

Merchant services is credit card processing. Those terms are interchangeable. You may not realize when you make a purchase in any business using a...

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