3 Surprising Tips About Personal Discipline
This blog is primarily for merchant services sales reps, but every so often I like to share a thought that is more philosophical that has helped me....
This blog is primarily for merchant services sales reps, but every so often I like to share a thought that is more philosophical that has helped me....
As I talk to sales professionals about getting into the merchant services business, I find that many of them are sold on the industry already. The...
Like many of you, I have held a variety of sales positions and sold many different things. At times I […]
1. Start by writing out your prepared lines or using mine and try them in the field. As a general rule, try a line ten times and track the results...
Opening pitch should be no longer than fifteen to twenty seconds. Write out your opening. Then read the opening and time it with a stop watch on your...
Here are the five similarities between sales and stage acting: 1. Good lines together with good execution of those lines generate the highest...
Let’s talk about the four things that are contained in a good sales presentation. 1. There are prepared lines which go in sequence and show your...
Listening is something that I have personally found in the last few months I don’t know how to do effectively. I’m trying to learn. I also am...
Make sure you present a good offer to the merchant. You need to be able to offer one or more of these three: savings, service, and equipment. I’ve...
Merchant services is credit card processing. Those terms are interchangeable. You may not realize when you make a purchase in any business using a...