4 Ways to Build Trust with Your Sales Prospects
In this article I want to provide you with four ways to build trust with your prospects. You might ask, “James, what are you talking about; what do...
In this article I want to provide you with four ways to build trust with your prospects. You might ask, “James, what are you talking about; what do...
[powerpress] You will not want to miss the replay of this show! This last Friday I let our audience listen in to a conversation between myself and...
Once the credit card number, and other payment data is entered at the point of sale, that data is sent out over the front-end in order to authorize...
#1 – Prospect. The top sales people I know and with whom I’ve been privileged to work never miss their prospecting time. There are two reasons for...
In case you missed my article last week outlining sales lessons from Donald Trump, let me assure you I am not endorsing any candidates on my blog or...
In yesterday’s post, we discussed restaurant types you should target, along with some tactical ideas about how to sell to them. In today’s post I...
Many times as I speak to merchant services sales reps, they seem a little lost about who they should be selling to. Should they go after large...
If you are thinking about becoming an independent sales rep where you will "work for yourself" here are some tips to help.
We talked about two of the most common excuses already. These hinge on the fact that business owners sometimes don’t have their statement at their...
Many small business owners who still receive a paper statement have that statement mailed to or dropped off at their accountant’s office. They do...