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James Shepherd

Stories by James


Leasing Isn’t Evil. Why I Changed My Mind.

If you’ve been my follower for a few years, you know I was probably the most vocal opponent of leasing in the industry a few years ago! I do still...


Go With The Flow When You Hear No

The title today is often the key response for navigating those aggravating excuses. Go with the flow when they say “no.” Are you too often derailed...


Why You Need Two Leads Per Day

This episode is part of my exciting mini-series featuring tips from top sales reps. One of the best tips I’ve heard stressed the importance of...


A “300 Deals-Per-Year” Rep: What I learned

Recently I attended a sales summit which was very beneficial. I’m excited to present a mini-series with great tips from great sales people. One such...


Square is Becoming a Serious Threat

In part one I presented my first prediction for 2018. Please review that episode if you missed the good news prediction. Cash discounting is going...


My Two Predictions for 2018 – Part 1

I’m going to give you my two predictions for 2018 in the merchant services industry. One prediction is great for you, and one is potentially bad if...


Where is Your Scoreboard?

The key to accomplishing BIG goals is to measure each step. In the last episode I hope you chose the one priority area of your life and set a goal...

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