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Merchant Services in 6 Steps mockup 3-02-01

How to Sell Merchant Services in 6 Steps 

If I could write one short document, go back in time, and deliver it to myself, what would I write? 

Regardless of whether I had been given this eBook as a newbie or as a veteran looking to get to the next level, there are six steps I wish someone would have shared with me along the way.  Our 6-Week Jump-Start Program for individual agents, as well as our custom, structured video training programs for ISOs are built on these six principles because I have seen them work over and over.  In this eBook you’ll learn how to get to the next level.  Let’s jump-start your merchant sales career, starting right now!

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Building a Merchant Sales Team 

Identify and recruit agents.  Train them effectively.  Grow your deal count. Click the link below to get your free copy.

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Residual Income From Payment Processing? A Scam? 

Learn how sales professionals are building residual income through payment processing with zero upfront investment.

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How to Avoid Commission Traps

Knowing these basic issues can save you grief in your merchant services career. You’ll learn how to effectively communicate with your processor concerning your revenue. Understand the terminology. Recognize the short-term and long-term results and make sure you’re maximizing your earning potential. Armed with the information in this eBook, you’ll never again be caught in a commission trap!

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Maximize Portfolio Value

In this free, 91 page eGuide, I share the inside secrets to portfolio ownership and value.  I will give you specific tips for negotiating your agent or ISO agreement.  I will explain how buyouts work, so you can leverage your portfolio to grow your business and / or create an exit strategy.  Residuals are valuable and if you structure your agreement correctly, they can become a liquid asset.

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Still Have Questions?

Email: support@ccsalespro.com