
My New Show - CCSalesPro

Written by James Shepherd | Oct 25, 2017 8:24:14 AM


Making effective decisions is a vital part of business, sales, and every other area of life. Often, we all tend to make what I call “incomplete decisions.” Allow me to explain my definition of this. Then after a brief explanation, I plan to request some specific feedback from my readers.

There are two statements which I hear others say (and say myself) often:

• “I’m going to stop doing that.”
• “I’m going to start doing this.”

Either of those statements made alone constitutes an incomplete decision. The complete decision is, “I’m going to stop doing that. Instead, I’m going to start doing this.” Here is a prime example from my personal experience. For years I’ve “decided” to work out at the gym. However, since I only made half the decision, I haven’t made much progress at the gym! Recently, I have completed that decision by engaging a personal trainer to meet at a specific time of day. I further decided to give up something which really matters to me to reinforce this decision. An hour of time in the middle of my day REALLY matters to me, so that is the time I’m going to the gym. Now I have accountability and dedication in place; the decision is complete. Whether you are trying to stop or start something, make a complete decision.

Now, after you’ve absorbed my little tip for today, please participate with me by giving feedback on two new content ideas I have.

1. I’m starting the CCSalesPro Show again after a lapse. In the past it was weekly on Fridays. Usually I interviewed a guest from the merchant services industry. Now I would like to offer you the opportunity to role play with me on the show. If you are interested, please go to and fill out the form. Although I’d like to do this live eventually, right now we will start with prescheduled. My assistant will arrange a specific time for me to call and record our conversation / role play. The first show will air exclusively on Facebook on Friday, November 3rd. If you haven’t already done so, please like our current Facebook page at The show will air on a new page (ccsalespro show) which is not fully complete yet.

2. For years I’ve had a desire to video myself in the field making sales. If you look online, you won’t find any show which records a sales person making a sale; to do that would be cool! However, there are very good reasons why this has never been done.

First, to record a conversation with someone without his/her permission is illegal. Imagine saying to a prospect, “This call/visit may be recorded for mass distribution. Let me tell you what I have to sell.” Obviously, that won’t work! On the other hand, if you obtain the permission of a prospect to video the conversation, it would not be natural at all. This would be unrealistic and not helpful.

I do have an alternative idea which I’d like to attempt. I’d like to make an audio recording of sales in person or on the phone. Then rather than using the actual recording of a prospect’s voice, I would employ an actor to replicate his/her voice. Thus, the recording would be legal. Then listeners would hear an actor’s voice and my voice during an actual sale. I’m curious to hear your feedback on this idea. Do you think it will work? Do you have any thoughts? Would you want to watch or listen to that?

If you’re watching this video on Facebook or YouTube, please comment right under the video to let me know what you think about the idea and if you have any thoughts to improve it. I’d really, really appreciate your feedback. If you’re reading on my blog, please respond in the comment section.

My name is James Shepherd. Thanks for reading! Have a great day!