
My Favorite Close - The Permission / Paperwork Close - CCSalesPro

Written by James Shepherd | Oct 2, 2017 9:17:04 AM

Today I’m writing about the way to actually close deals.  My favorite is the paperwork close; it is very easy.  After you take a potential client through the presentation and give the value proposition, say this simple close, “Mr. Jones, thank you so much for your time today.  Hopefully we’ve been able to provide some value to you.  With your permission, I’d like to get started on the paperwork.  What is the correct spelling of your last name?”

This close works very well.  Obviously, everyone isn’t going to answer “yes.”  However, prospects will stop you if they have an objection.  Following is an example conversation with a hesitant prospect:


This close works very well.  Obviously, everyone isn’t going to answer “yes.”  However, prospects will stop you if they have an objection.  Following is an example conversation with a hesitant prospect:

Prospect:  “Hold on! I have a few more questions.”

After answering questions, you say, “Great, are there any other questions you have for me?”

Prospect:  “No.”

Your reply:  “Good.  With your permission, I’d like to get started on the paperwork.  How do you spell the actual physical name of the business?” -or “What is the actual legal name of the business?”

Whatever information you request will lead you into the paperwork.  Go through line by line and fill it out.  Hopefully the prospect will continue without interruption.  However, each time there’s a question use the same process to lead back into the paperwork.  When you complete the paperwork, you just got a sale!

Try that approach out in the field.  I promise it is going to work for you.

Have a great day!

James Shepherd

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